More and more people are taking part in the Heritage Bank project with this web-site producing information from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Florida, Japan, the West Indies and Chile as well as Northern Ireland, Cumbria, East Anglia and places nearer to the parish. Although we have now printed many of our findings, we know that there is probably still much more to find out. Please get in touch if you think that you might be able to help in any way.
E-mailing from New Zealand, Catherine Butland told us that her grandfather, Charles Holloway, and his wife Bertha, used to live in North Lane, not far from the Bonham Carters. Charles was a gardener for the Bonham Carters and also looked after game on the estate. Catherine has fond memories of her last visit to Buriton, in 1996, even though she is now so far away.
Michael Marriner, e-mailing from Chile, has told us about his grandfather’s work driving one of the small railway engines in the Buriton limeworks and Debbie Paul of Tallahassee, Florida, reports that her great grandfather’s brother was the butler at Ditcham House around the turn of the nineteenth century. He may well be featured in one of the photographs in our new books!